Saint Theresa's College, QC Class of 1992

Welcome Class of 1992! Don't forget to join our eGroup, we now have 50 batchmates [and counting] . . . 2002 is our 10th year homecoming . . .

Class Reunion is scheduled on May 5th, Saturday at [the Barn] in Katipunan Ave. across from Miriam College. There is a P250 fee to cover the venue and buffet. For more info, go to STCQC92. Don't know how to get there? Map it here!

Hello fellow batchmates!
First of, I would like to thank you all for dropping by. In the next week or so, this site will undergo a major "renovation" to accomodate new pictures and articles sent by our classmates. I apologize for any inconveniece but I do hope you keep on coming back. In the meantime, enjoy browsing the pages and don't forget to join our egroup at STCQC92. Keep sending those pictures or just drop them off at the eGroup file folder.

Good day to all . . Kulot :]

- 2002 Reunion Poll -
Will you attend our 10th year homecoming?


This is not just another website!

This page is for you if . . .

  • You remember how to dance the "suaku" and "binuyugan,"

  • You are still terrified of the words "postulates and theorems"

  • You still have a pair of Burlington socks in your dresser,

  • You remember that the clinic is your only way out for leaving your PE uniform,

  • You think that a scallop is synonymous to a layette,

Kidding aside, this page is for you if you just couldn't resist missing your dear Alma Mater, your teachers, your friends, your family . . .

The Theresian Family!


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to your friend!

May 5th, SAT - Class Reunion

Post a greeting in our


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