The Theresian Hymn

Come, Theresians, and acclaim,
St. Theresa's glorious name.
Grateful hearts their tribute bear,
Loving lips shall sin
for her;
For she stands among the rest
As a leaven for the quest.

Dearest home we stand for you.
Far or near our song rings true.
And our theme for'er shall be,
St. Theresa, hail to thee;
And our theme for'er shall be,
St. Theresa hail to thee,
St. Theresa, St. Theresa,
Hail, hail to thee.

Come, let's sing our sweetest song,
Sing it well and loud and long.
For the dear old college walls,
For the old familiar halls;
For our Alma Mater's sake
Bright and glad our song we'll make.

Aurea Carballo-Gonzalez
The Woman Behind the Song

In an interview by Myra Chan-Cruz'72 with Mrs. Gonzalez, she tells the story about the birth of the song..."She also recounted how Mother Edmunde commanded her to compose lyrics for a college song. Two weeks passed and she had not yet complied with the request, so Mother Edmunde put Mrs. Gonzalez in a room with a glass of milk and a plate of cookies and locked the door. After two hours, Mother Edmunde came back and rather triumphantly got the song and set her free. Several days later the words were set to music by Angeles Rodriguez-Lopez."

Mrs. Gonzalez graduated high school in 1931 and college in 1934 from STC Manila.

The paragraph above is quoted from the article, A GIFT OF SONG, by Myra Chan-Cruz '72, published by the Theresian For Life Newsletter, October 1997 issue.

This FYI is courtesy of Batch 1984 Site

 As hard as it was to let go of the pastel uniforms, it was a welcome sight to wear the blue skirt and the white blouse.  We also had to wear that tiny ribbon for a tie.  Being a first grade, we had to fight the "elders" for a driveway slab to play "patintero."  If none were available, then we turned our sights to the stairs in front of the Information Office or the dreaded Principal's Office for a game of "Land, water, twinkle, heaven."  For those who avoided being "madungis," there were always "Pass the Message" or "Spin the Bottle" games.  Grade School was not just play,  although that is mostly how I remember it. (~Kulot :p ) 

     We had a variety of classes from Music, P.E. to Arts, Araling Panlipunan to Religion, both English and Filipino, Science and Math, whew!  That was a lot but they were able to squeeze everything in one day with teachers rotating from different classrooms.  Let us not forget those Penmanship lessons . . . where every line and curve of a letter must be just like Peterson's.  You know there was something wrong with your handwriting when you finished the third grade still using a Mongol pencil. 

     As years passed, we played less and hung out more in the library so we can hide the latest Nancy Drew or Choose Your Own Mysteries books for later reading.  We also started inching our way to the High Schooler's turf.  We grew tired of our small canteen and wanted to try the famous cafeteria.  It was something to look forward to, while we munched our "baon" under the acacia tree.  Sixth grade came and on our graduation we worried if we will still see each other next year.



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